While the code here is VBA, it should be directly transcribable to other languages and platforms. The core process is really just a reiteration of previously submitted answers but I thought it was important to demonstrate how to deal with ActiveWindow when you are not within Excel's own VBA. SaveAs FileName:=fn, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook If the Ribbon is not visible, double-click (single-click for Mac) on one of the Ribbon Tabs to maximise or restore it. The large toolbar that stretches across the top of the Excel window is known as the Excel bar. If CBool(Len(Dir(fn, vbNormal))) Then Kill fn Taking Charge of Excel: Test your skills, Part 1. Step 4: Drag the bar until it is to the right of the cells you want frozen on the left. Step 3: Grab the bar on the bottom right and drag to the right. Step 2: Drag until the top bar to below the cells you want frozen at the top.
'This is where the Freeze Pane is dealt withįn = CurrentProject.Path & '\Reports\Report_' & Format(Date, 'yyyymmdd') & '.xlsx' Step 1: Grab the bar on the far right side and drag down. Set xlApp = CreateObject('Excel.Application') Option Explicitĭim xlApp As Excel.Application, ws As Worksheet, wb As Workbook Using the Excel.Application object in another Office application's VBA project will require you to add Microsoft Excel 15.0 Object library (or equivalent for your own version). S own VBA, the ActiveWindow property must be addressed as a child of the Excel.Application object.Įxample for creating an Excel workbook from Access: To expand this question into the realm of use outside of Excel